South Korea Travel Centers

hongdae-travel-centerTravelers queuing to get their travel needs at Hongik (Hongdae) University Station, Seoul

Korea Travel Centers

Airport Railroad Korea Travel Centers is a useful information that you might need when arriving in South Korea.

The information included here is based on the Travel Center pamphlet available at the travel centers in the Korean airports (Incheon Terminal 1 & 2, Gimpo Airport), and subway stations (more below).

So, to begin with, there are six (6) centers that are available here. These travel centers provide you useful facilities for a more convenient and hassle-free trip to Korea.

The services include luggage storage, luggage delivery, SIM card, and pocket Wi-Fi, express train ticket, travel concierge, transportation card, among others.

The location, office hours, and phone inquiry numbers of these centers are available below.

Here we go...

Seoul Travel Center

It is located at Seoul Station (Basement 2). If you are here, you can access its services including:

travel concierge, transportation card, SIM card, and pocket WiFi, sale of express train package, baggage storage, and delivery, and even coat storage.

Office Hours: 8AM-9PM
Phone: +82-2-364-0211

seoul-station-hanging-gardenHanging Garden at Seoul Station

NOTE: Please, find the descriptions per service down below this article for your information. Never mind if you already know them! The staff can speak fluent English, Chinese, and Japanese languages.

Incheon International Airport Terminal 2 Station Travel Center

Most of the long-haul international flights arrive or depart at this terminal (T2).

Find its Travel Center at Transport Center (Basement 1). The center offers the following services for your comfort:

travel concierge, short-term goods rental service, baggage storage delivery, purchase express train package ticket, SIM card, pocket Wi-Fi, and coat storage.

Office Hours: 8AM-9:30PM;
Phone: +82-32-745-7130

Incheon International Airport Terminal 1 Travel Center

Short-haul international flights are available here.

Find its Travel Center at Transport Center (Basement 1). The center offers the following services:

travel concierge, sale of express train package ticket, transportation card, and travel guide information.

Office Hours: 8AM - 9:30PM
Phone: +82-32-743-0211 or 2

Incheon International Airport Terminal 1 Travel Store

Find this travel service at this terminal (T1) in Basement Floor 1 (B1).

It offers baggage storage, short-term travel goods rental service, SIM card and pocket Wi-Fi, and jacket or coat storage.

Office Hours: 7AM-10PM
Phone: +82-32-743-0213

Gimpo Airport Station Travel Center

If you are traveling domestically, you can avail this center at this airport. It is available at Gimpo Airport Station (Basement 1).

Airport Travel Center's services include:

travel concierge, baggage storage delivery, short-term travel goods rental service, purchase express train package ticket, SIM card and pocket Wi-Fi, and coat storage.

Office Hourse: 7AM-9:30PM
Phone: +82-2-2665-0211

Hongik University Station Travel Center

Hongdae, as it is popularly called, is a busy are among foreign travelers. The station's travel center could be convenient if you want to explore this area.

The location is Hongik University Station (Basement 2). You will see this as you climb up and on your way to Exit 9. You will notice travelers lining-up at this travel center trying to avail their services.

The services include travel concierge, baggage storage, short-term travel goods rental service, purchase of express train package ticket, and coat storage (during winter).

Office Hours: 8AM-9PM
Phone: +82-2-334-0211

hongdae-currency-exchangeHongdae Station Self-exchange ATM and Withdrawal Machine

 Korea Travel Centers Descriptions

The services above might not be clear to some readers, so some brief descriptions below could be useful.

Travel Concierge Service means...
It is for booking attractions tickets for any place in Korea.

It is also for tourism ticket with discounts at malls. Unfortunately, this is only for foreign travelers (passport needed).

Try and see any ticket with discounts through their website here

It is available in the English language.

Transportation Card Service means...
You may purchase a plastic electronic card and use when taking a subway or bus in Korea.

You need to charge it before using anywhere (such as in convenience stores, etc.).

It costs 4,000KRW.

It is cheaper than purchasing tickets (subway) or paying cash when taking the bus.

Sale of Express Train Package (ticket) means...
You can purchase an express train plus baggage service. The baggage service means storing and delivering your luggage at the Travel Center in Seoul Station.

You can also purchase an express train ticket plus transportation card. Find it at Incheon Airport Terminal 1 at Station Travel Center. Please, charge the transportation card before you use it.

Baggage Storage and Delivery Service means...
You can store your luggage at the Korea Travel Centers available in Seoul, Hongik University Station, Gimpo Airport, Incheon Airport Terminal 2, and at Incheon Airport T1 travel store.

You can travel freely and comfortably and return to pick them up before moving to your next travel destination(s).

Baggage Delivery Service means...
Upon arrival in Korea, you can request for baggage delivery to your hotel and then travel freely.

During your departure day, you can reserve a baggage delivery service online and then request your hotel for baggage delivery service. Travel freely to the airport and pick them up there.

You can access this service at SAFEX (
The service is located at travel centers in Seoul Station, Hongik University Station, Gimpo Airport, and Incheon Airport Terminal 2 Station.

It is also available at Travel Store at Incheon Airport Terminal 1 Station.

SIM Card and Pocket WiFi Sale and Pickup Services means...
You can purchase a SIM Card or a Pocket WiFi at Travel Centers (and Travel Store) for your phone.

You need to purchase a SIM card if you did not buy a roaming service from your company.

You can also access your phone by purchasing a Pocket WiFi and no worries about not getting any connection while traveling.

You buy and pick up these products at Seoul Station, Hongik University Station, Gimpor Airport Station, Incheon Airport Terminal 2 Station, and at Travel Store in Incheon Airport Terminal 1 Station.

You can find these services at (Korean only).

Short-term Travel Good Rental Services means...
Basically, I found (as of this writing) on their website rental service for vacation for women, such as a cardigan, summer wears, among others.

You can get this service at travel centers mentioned above such as in Gimpo Airport, Incheon Airport Terminal 2, and Travel Store in Incheon Airport Terminal 1 Station.

The website is (available only in Korean).

Coat Storage simply means...
You can store your jackets or coats using this service.

Avail it at any Korea Travel Centers accessible to you upon arrival such as in Seoul Station, Hongik Station, Gimport Airport, Incheon Airport T2, and Travel Store at Incheon Airport T1 station.

You can reserve this service online through (Available in the English language).

The location, service rates, and other information are available on that website.

I hope this is useful for your comfortable travel to South Korea. Please, share this article if it does. Thanks! ^^

Safe travels!

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