Mystic Cheonjeyeon Falls

cheonjeyeon-fallsSecond tier of Cheonjeyeon Falls in Seogwipo City, Jeju Island


Cheonjeyeon Falls on Jeju Island is a very popular tourists natural attractions.  It is also known as the "Pond of God" and is picturesquely set amidst lush mountains. The natural beauty has been a popular destination for tourists since ancient times, and the falls are believed to be created by the gods.

The waterfall is divided into three sections: the upper, middle, and lower ponds. The Upper Pond is the origin of Cheonjeyeon Falls, and it drops from a height of 17 meters. The Middle Pond is called “Jinbu Pond” and has a depth of 10 meters. The Lower Pond is called "Sangbang Pond" and contains many small waterfalls that flow into the sea.

The falls have long been believed to have special powers and are considered a sacred site by many locals. People often come here to make wishes for health, love, and success. It is also said that couples in love should visit Cheonjeyeon Falls as it will bring them luck in their relationship. 

Moreover, the area around the falls is filled with lush vegetation and is home to many species of birds, making it a perfect spot for bird watching. The nearby Jeju Olle Trail offers visitors a chance to explore the surrounding landscape on foot, providing further opportunities to appreciate the beauty of Cheonjeyeon Falls. 

The site is also an ideal place for those seeking relaxation and tranquility. Many visitors enjoy a leisurely stroll along the paths surrounding the falls, taking in the calming atmosphere and feeling the mist of the water on their skin. 

No matter why one decides to visit Cheonjeyeon Falls, it is sure to be an experience that will stay with them for a lifetime. From its mystical powers to the beauty of its surroundings, the site truly has something for everyone. 

Visitors can also take advantage of the nearby restaurants and cafes located within walking distance, providing a place to grab a bite after exploring the falls. There is also an observation deck, which offers unparalleled views of the area from above and enables visitors to fully appreciate the breathtaking scenery. 

With its unique history and natural beauty, Cheonjeyeon Falls is an ideal destination for anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy some peace and tranquility in nature.

Whether you're an adventurous explorer or just someone looking to appreciate a picturesque landscape, this stunning waterfall will be sure to make an unforgettable impression. 

So come and visit Cheonjeyeon Falls - you won't be disappointed! 

Enchanted Cheonjeyeon Falls

Cheonjeyeon Falls is a three-tiered waterfall beautifully flowing on Jeju Island, Republic of Korea. The waterfall is freshwater flowing from the sides of Hallasan, the tallest mountain in South Korea.

Cheonjeyeon Falls is one of the most attractive, hence, popular destination not only among locals but foreign holiday-makers and travelers.

I have been here many years back, and this is my second. One of the many reasons I revisited this marvelous place is that I could not remember how it actually looks. I want to see and feel it again!

As you already have guessed, visitors never regretted coming to experience the falls. It is worth your time, energy, and resources. Your (and my) experience is worth a thousand words and worth reminiscing in your lifetime.

Now, let me describe how Cheonjeyeon looks like and some details as in the following.

Cheonjeyeon Falls Features

Cheonjeyeon Waterfalls is not only one waterfall but three, as mentioned above. The first waterfall has a columnar cliff of about 22 meters high, and its water falls into its turquoise glass-like pond.

But please don't be disappointed if there is no waterfall during non-rainy days. YOu can only see water flowing from the crevices between the columnar rocks.

I believe that water flowed from the top some hundreds and thousands of years ago when the climate was colder, and vegetation and trees abound without human intervention and over-consumption.

cheonjeyeon-fallsCalm and turquoise water of the first level of Cheonjeyeon Waterfalls
cheonjeyeon-fallsCheonjeyeon Waterfalls
cheonjeyeon-fallsWide view of the Falls

The water flows at this first tier only during the rainy season.

BUT, as you go down to the second and the third tiers, you will certainly see an abundance of water falling.

cheonjeyeon-fallsMarker and way to the 2nd tier of Cheonjeyeon
cheonjeyeon-fallsTrees and nature towards the 2nd tier

The second Falls...

The water from the first tier goest to the second waterfall of Cheonjeyeon and falls about 30 meters high to its refreshing pond.

Yes, this second-tier waterfall is amazingly beautiful, as you can see in the photos here. The amount of falling water seems uniform as they flow evenly down to its very tempting fresh pool.

However, getting to the second tier of Cheonjeyeon Waterfall requires you to walk the local tourism authorities' steps generously built. If you can walk, you can make it to the second tier.

But if you have some difficulties in climbing stairs, you might need support from your a friend or family member to make there and back. Not a problem for young children!

cheonjeyeon-fallsThe second tier of Cheonjeyeon Falls as seen from the distance
cheonjeyeon-fallsUpclose and personal with the second tier of Cheonjeyeon Falls. It was an unforgettable encounter with this beautiful waterfall.

Then, to the third tier...

You can enjoy the view of the waterfall and its pool a little in the distance at this tier. However, still, you can feel its power and grandeur. You can see it from the viewing deck amid the forest and greens.

Again, you need to take the steps, and I found them very convenient. Imagine if there are no steps, and you should struggle to climb down and back up the steep belly of Cheonjeyeon!

Take your time threading the steps, especially during the summertime, as it could be sweltering despite the shades of the trees around. One step at a time, and sip your liquids.

cheonjeyeon-waterfallI took this shot from an observation deck which is a bit far from the waterfall
cheonjeyeon-waterfallLong distance view of Cheonjeyeon
cheonjeyeon-fallsThis resting and relaxation area and garden is close to the third tier of Cheonjeyeon. From here, you can either hike further or return to the parking area.

TRIVIA: Cheonjeyeon means the "Pond of the Heavenly Emperor."

Legends and Facts

Eventually, having passed through the three tiers, the water reaches the ocean of Jeju.

The word 'cheonjeyeon' means Pond of the Heavenly Emperor. Based on the Korean legend, seven nymphs descended from heaven at night and bathed in the falls' ponds.

That is how one can describe the beauty and tempting sight of the place and the ponds' water.

The thick forest that lives on the temperate environment around Cheonjeyeon Waterfall has been enlisted as a national natural monument (number 378 in 1993).

One can find various species of plants, insects, and some animals living in this lush environment.

Some of the rare plants include 'solipnan' plants (솔잎난) or the Skeleton Fork Fern that you can find living between or among the crevices of stones and rocks.

Beliefs and Festival
Ancient superstition has it that if you stand under the waterfall on the fifteenth day of the seventh Lunar month, your illnesses will be healed by the eighth Lunar month.

Please, do not try to swim down and stand behind the waterfall as it is prohibited. You will be fined if caught! Besides, it could be dangerous to swim in due to the rocks.

If you happen to visit the place around May, remember that a Chilseonyeo (7 nymphs) Festival is held in the area. This festival is done only during the even-numbered years in May.

Seonimgyo Bridge...

You will find and walk over Seonimgyo Bridge, which is built between the second and third tiers of Cheonjeyeon.

This bridge links Cheonjeyeon Falls to the Jungmun Tourism area in Seogwipo City.

On the sides of Seonimgyo Bridge, you will notice carving artwork representing the seven nymphs that legends say they used to bathe in the ponds of Cheonjeyeon.

Besides Cheonjeyeon Waterfalls, you can also explore and enjoy the two nearest falls in Seogwipo--Cheonjiyeon Falls and Jeongbang Falls.

Cheonjeyeon Irrigation Canal

Cheonjeyeong Irrigation Canal in Seogwipo is a registered cultural heritage that is built in 1908.

The irrigation canal is about two kilometers long carved on the rock bed where the water of Cheonjeyeon Waterfalls flow. The water channel is being used to supply fresh water to farms below the areas of the waterfall.

Because of this constant water supply, the wastelands around Cheonjeyeon turned into fertile arable paddies over 200,000 square meters.

Great sacrifices and sweat were poured into the realization of this canal. This accomplishment reflects the locals' lives and their way of life through agriculture and its products as fruits of their labor.

Getting to Cheonjeyeon Falls

The following information will help you get to Cheonjeyeon...

Address/location: 132, Cheonjeyeon-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do
 제주특별자치도 서귀포시 천제연로 132 (중문동)

If you decide to take a taxi from anywhere on Jeju Island, tell the driver or show him (or her) the address in Korean. No problem, of course, if you speak the local language.

By Bus
Take the Airport Limousine Bus #600 from Jeju Airport. This bus goes via Jungmun and Seogwipo. Get off at Yeomiji Botanical Garden bus stop.

Then walk for around 5 to 10 minutes to reach the ticketing office. It's 2,500 Won for an adult visitor and much less for students and children.

By Taxi
It takes around 40 minutes to get to Cheonjeyeon Falls from Jeju International Airport. Time travel also depends on traffic and season.

By Bus from Jeju Intercity Bus Terminal
From this terminal in Jeju City, take the bus that goes to Seogwipo and then get off at Jungmun Resort Bus Stop. It takes around 50 minutes to get there.

It takes around 10 minutes to reach the Cheonjeyeon Falls area, where you can purchase the ticket from the bus stop.

By Taxi from Jeju Intercity Terminal, it could take between 30 to 40 minutes to reach Cheonjeyeon Waterfalls Parking Area.

Thanks for reading through this article, and I hope it is helpful. Have and wonderful and memorable visit to the place.

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