Cliffy Taejongdae Resort Park

taejongdae-resort-parkExcited visitors at Taejongdae Resort Park taking advantage of the amazing sea views...taking photos

Taejongdae Resort Park

Taejongdae Resort Park is a must-visit by-the-sea popular sight in Busan City, Republic of Korea. Along with Oryukdo Island, Taejongdae is designated at a Busan monument and a famous attraction.

Taejongdae Resort Park is a symbol of Busan's attraction. Its cliff and rocky beach is its mark.

The Park features its highest peak at 250 meters high. It also supports a forest of pine trees and over 200 varieties of trees.

You will see and do exciting things here...

  • relaxing views of the blue sea
  • observe or explore the rocky cliff by the sea
  • the rejuvenating atmosphere and clean sea breeze
  • eat various fresh seafood
  • enjoy hiking in the forest area cliff area
  • strolling on the road around the area

And more relaxing and exciting things and features of Taejongdae Resort Park.

TRIVIA & HISTORY: Taejongdae Resort Park got its name after King Taejong Muyeol (604-661), the 29th king of the Silla Kingdom (57 BC-935 AD). Stories told to say that King Taejong loved to practice shooting his arrows in this place.

Lighthouse on the Rock

One of the famous sights in Taejongdae is the lighthouse sitting on a rock called Sinseon Rock. It is a modern-looking lighthouse, which is more of an observatory like an airport control tower! Only, it is a spectacle because it is by the sea.

Sinseon, according to Korean mythology, is a mythical god, sort of a ghost, who is riding in a cloud holding his staff and watching over the world. This god came down to relax on this very rock.

And at this rock, there is a figure called Mangbuseok. It is named after another legend about a woman who was longing for her beloved husband to return home who had been taken to Japan.

taejongdae-resort-parkRocky cliff and sea views at Taejongdae Park

Please, note that locals are keen on figures formed by nature and make some stories and sense out of them--some could be based on true stories while most are fiction.

If you are in the lighthouse of Sinseon Rock, you will have a high chance of seeing Japan's Tsushima Island on a clear day with blue skies.

Praying for Rain

I'm sure you will agree with me that if something or anything has a story behind and you know that story, it becomes more exciting and meaningful.

That's true in most cases, I believe, just like in the case of Taejongdae.       Aside from the legends of gods and weeping wife, Taejongdae Resort Park is known for some rituals, particularly the ritual for rain.

The "Taejong Rain" prayer ritual is being performed by locals beseeching for the rain to pour down when drought season comes. The Taejong Rain is believed to come down from heaven on the tenth day of the fifth lunar month.

taejongdae-resort-parkSeafood vendors and consumers enjoy the food and sea views

Useful Friendly Reminders

Taejongdae Resort Park is a designated Scenic Sport No.17 as officially declared on November 1, 2005. As a public park, Taejongdae is accessible to all visitors all year round.

However, although visitors can come in the non-forested area all-year-round, there are periods during the year for some places.

For example, it is restricted to access some trails and areas due to issues of fire and ecological protection. So, the authorities determined that during the Spring season (from February 1 to May 15) and the Autumn season (from November 1 to December 15), some designated areas are not accessible or closed to the public.

Also, depending on the weather conditions (such as typhoons, strong winds, heavy rainfall, etc.), Taejongdae will not be accessible for safety reasons. Therefore, if you doubt due to weather forecasts, it would be advantageous to contact them before you decide to visit.

The restricted areas are accessible during the following period and times...
March-October 04:00-24:00
November-February 05:00-24:00

taejongdae-resort-parkAround the Park's cliff area, one can do short hiking activity with great views of the sea

Useful Facilities & Information

One of the good news about Taejongdae Resort Park is that it is FREE. But you will pay only when you use facilities for particular usage such as entertainment, rides, among others.

Parking Facilities
As a popular park, Taejongdae needs space for visitors who are coming with their private vehicles. This is being taken care of by creating parking lots!

There are various parking spaces designated for the kind of vehicle, including buses, sedans, and other vehicles or modes of transportation (e.g., motorbike, bicycle, etc.).

There are over 20 spaces for buses, and around 800 for sedans. For the free parking lot (called Jayu Land Parking Lot), it can accommodate more than a hundred cars.

taejongdae-park-danubi-trainFamilies can surely enjoy an exciting ride around the park area

Danubi Train
This is a fun train and is made for children or anyone who has a child-like heart.

Office Hours: 9 AM to 5:30 PM. That is the same time when they operate the train.

Admission Details
Individual Fee: Adult-3,000; Youth-2,000; Child-1,500 Korean Won
Group Fee: Adults-2,400; Youths-1,600; Children-1,200 Korean Won. A group means a composition of 30 or more people.

Please note that this facility will not be accessible if there's heavy rainfall or heavy snowfall during the Summer and Winter seasons, respectively. The issuance of tickets finishes 2 to 3 hours before the closing time of the facility.

Baby Strollers are available for free from 10 AM up to 5 PM only.

More Attractions

Indeed, you can find a lot more interesting and exciting facilities, places, and features of Taejongdae Resort Park, which I can't mention here. That's up for you to discover.

Alright, the following are some suggestions of other places you can explore...

Taejongdae Gonpo Cruise Boat
This ship and submarine excursions service is available in Yeongdo-gu. Gonpo Cruise Boat is the one that will bring you around the Taejongdae and Achi Island to show you their fantastic and picturesque sights. At Achi Island, you will be amazed by its beautiful Camellia Trees (and its flowers) and other natural living creatures on the island.

Yeongdo Lighthouse
Yeongdo Lighthouse (영도 등대) is also located in Yeongdo-gu, Busan. It is in a port area that was established in 1906. The lighthouse's long and undying service has been providing light to ships that travel around the Busan area.

National Maritime Museum (국립해양박물관)
This museum is located in Yeongdo District, Busan City. Visiting the National Maritime Museum will give you opportunities to observe its exhibits of various marine and sea life. Some of the exciting exhibits include culture, history, marine industry figures, and other contributions to the development of marine aspects in Busan.

75 Square (75광장)
75 Square (Gwangjang) is a small park or plaza that faces toward the southern coast of Jeoryoengdo Island. Due to its location and distinctive and attractive features, 75 Square is designated as one of the eight scenic sites of Yeongdo District in Busan City.

yongdusan-park-towerBusan Tower (the highest point) is located on top of Yongdusan Park, Busan City

Amnam Park
Amnam Park is located in Seo-gu District. It is a park known for its magnificent cliffs by the sea in Busan. The roadsides are lined with trees with a background of the distant sight of the sea. Its seaside views give you a relaxing feeling as you look at the turquoise sea, while the forested landscape of the park provides you a sense of safety.

Now, if you are searching for accommodation for your visit, you can find various types with lots of choices in terms of location, services, and rates. Some of them are the following...

Taejongdae Park Nearby Accommodation

Beach Motel
Beach Motel is an inexpensive accommodation inn/motel. It is located in Yeongdo-gu, which is about 8 kilometers from Busan Station. It is also easy to get to Taejongdae Resort Park from this accommodation.

Hotel Songdo Beach
Hotel Songdo Beach is a tourist hotel located in Seo-gu District in Busan City. It is situated close to Songdo Beach, a famous beach area in the city with lots of relaxing and vacation facilities. Hiking or strolling around the area is a fantastic activity here.

Busan Beach Tourist Hotel
Busan Beach Tourist Hotel is also located in Seo-gu District in Busan City. It is situated along the seaside with fantastic views of the ocean. As a tourist accommodation facility, you can expect that they are friendly, clean, and quiet. Only the sound of the sea waves you will hear.

Central Park Hotel
Central Park Hotel is located in the middle of Jungang Station and Nampo Station of Busan's subway system (Line 1). This inn/motel type of accommodation has a 15-story building with over 60 guest rooms.

Busan Tourist Hotel
As a tourist hotel, Busan Tourist Hotel caters to the needs of all travelers with their facilities. The hotel was opened in 1974 and has since provided exceptional services to all travelers of Busan for over 40 years.

Located in Junggu District, you will have easy access to other tourist attractions in the city, including Yongdusan Park, Gukje Market, Busan Tower, and more.

Having described all that above, let me finally finish up this article guide with a brief description of your transportation for Taejongdae Resort Park.

Getting to Taejeongdae Resort Park

You can more around Busan City pretty quickly using its metro or subway lines. You can be sure of the schedule when you do so. Buses are also frequent, depending on your direction.

To get to Taejongdae Park, you can take a bus from various bus stops in the city. The following are the bus numbers you can choose from for Taejongdae.

Busan Station
From Busan Station, take either bus 88 or 101 and then get off at Taejongdae Cliff Bus Stop. That's the place.

Other Buses for Taejongdae Resort Park
Other buses for the park are numbers: 8, 13, 30. Please, note that local bus schedules are subject to change. Therefore, if you can check the schedule in advance, it would be helpful for your day's schedule.

I hope this is useful. Please, enjoy your travels to Busan City.

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